Close-up B2 DVD

Self Improvement

Sr No Item View
1 Unit 1 - A Chinese Artist in Harlem - Page 16.mp4
2 Unit 2 - A Special Type of Neighbourhood - Page 28.mp4
3 Unit 3 - Confucianism in China - Page 42.mp4
4 Unit 4 - Urban Art - Page 54.mp4
5 Unit 5 - Bionic Mountaineer - Page 68.mp4
6 Unit 6 - Canyaking Adventure - Page 80.mp4
7 Unit 7 - Capoeira The Fighting Dance - Page 94.mp4
8 Unit 8 - Global Warming - Page 106.mp4
9 Unit 9 - Dinosaur Builder - Page 120.mp4
10 Unit 10 - Aquarium on Wheels - 132.mp4
11 Unit 11 - Gliding Across the Gob - Page 146.mp4
12 Unit 12 - Living in the Slow Lane - 158.mp4

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